The Performers is set at Sin City's Adult Film Awards, and what happens in Las Vegas...ends up on a Broadway stage! The new romantic (and porntastic!) comedy from David West Read follows two high school buddies (Cheyenne Jackson and Daniel Breaker) who run into each other at the bawdy awards ceremony. Jackson plays adult film star Mandrew, while Breaker takes on the role of Lee, a tabloid reporter sent to cover the event. Also along for the rowdy ride are Ari Graynor and Alicia Silverstone (as the pal's respective love interests), Henry Winkler (as a porn icon receiving a lifetime achievement award) and Jenni Barber (playing a budding adult film actress). Click below for a full gallery of production photos, then hightail it over to the Longacre Theatre, where The Performers opens on November 14.