Nell Benjamin's The Explorers Club tells the absurd tale of the prestigious club facing the worst crisis in their history: their acting president wants to admit a woman...and their bartender is terrible. The female candidate is brilliant, beautiful and has discovered a legendary Lost City, but it's London in 1879 and the decision to let in a woman could shake the very foundation of the British Empire. How do you make such a decision without a decent drink? Directed by Marc Bruni, the madcap comedy offers a comical look at science, irate Irishmen and gender politics. The Manhattan Theatre Club production stars Brian Avers, Max Baker, Steven Boyer, Arnie Burton, Carson Elrod, David Furr, John McMartin, Lorenzo Pisoni and Jennifer Westfeldt. The Explorers Club officially opens off-Broadway at New York City Center's Stage I on June 20, but we have your first look of the New York premiere right here. Click below to check out production photos, and don't miss MTC's limited engagement of The Explorers Club, running through July 21.