Blue Man Group is going Hollywood! The trio of blue-hued aliens will debut their new concert at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles on September 6 and 7. Conducted by Thomas Wilkins, the new extravaganza will feature performances by the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra and more special guests.
In addition to the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, the concert will feature performances by Grammy-nominated Brazilian band Monobloco, two-time Grammy nominee Tracy Bonham, recoding artist Butterscotch, Venice Beach Boardwalk performer Harry Perry and additional musicians including Natsuki Tamura (didgeridoo), Brian Wolff (tuba), Janeen Rae Heller (musical saw), William Zeitler (glass armonica), Charles Richard lester (Theremin), Arjuna (California throat singer), Ronobir Lahiri (sitar), Sara Leib (scat singer), and the Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums.
The new production of Blue Man Group will be a colorful and interactive celebration of art and music in one of the largest natural amphitheaters in the world. Featuring video mapping by Obscura Digital, the Hollywood Bowl will be transformed into a fully immersive experience.
The evening will also feature a fireworks display, underscored with a brand new Blue Man Group song.