Netflix announced that their hit show, House of Cards has already been renewed for a third season, before the second season has even premiered. A spokesperson from Netflix confirmed that House of Cards has already been given an early renewal and that production for season three will start soon, according to No details have been announced, but series stars Tony and Oscar winner Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are expected to return.
The renewal for House of Cards comes 10 days prior to the February 14 release of the series’ 13-episode second season. Following its first season, House of Cards became the first original drama on a digital platform to land Emmy and Golden Globe nominations alongside network and cable shows, and the recently-engaged Wright won the Golden Globe in 2014 for Best Actress in a TV Series - Drama.
Set in present-day Washington, D.C., House of Cards is the story of Frank Underwood (Spacey), a Democrat from South Carolina's 5th Congressional District and House Majority Whip who, after getting passed over for appointment as Secretary of State, decides to exact his revenge on those who betrayed him. Netflix, which does not release viewership numbers for its original series, had initially committed to two seasons of the show, which is created by Beau Willimon.
Check out the trailer for season two of Netflix's House of Cards below, and don't forget to stream the whole season starting on Valentine's Day!