Is it hot in here, or is it just us? Oh wait, it’s Alistair Brammer, who plays Chris in the West End revival of Miss Saigon! The star is taking it all off to promote safe sex in the newest issue of Attitude magazine. We're not exactly sure how a nearly nude photo of the British actor promotes safe sex, but hey, whatever. Brammer also shares some helpful workout tips in the British gay lifestyle mag: “People overestimate the power of working out. But if you’re not eating the right food, nothing will happen. High reps for definition. I have friends who are big and doing weights and they are not gonna lose weight, they are just going to fill out with more muscle.” Thanks for the advice, Alistair—by the time Miss Saigon heads to the States in the 2015-16 season, maybe we’ll be as ripped as you!