Tony winner Sutton Foster, who is taking on the iconic role of Reno Sweeney in the upcoming revival of Anything Goes, and her talented co-stars took to the stage of their rehearsal space at Broadway’s Studio 54 on February 17 to show off their work-in-progress to the press. Helmed by director/choreographer Kathleen Marshall, this classic Cole Porter show takes place on the S.S. American ocean liner, where two unlikely pairs set a course for true love with a little help from a tap-dancing crew, exotic disguises and good old-fashioned blackmail. The cast performed some of the show's signature numbers, from “You’re the Top,” to the high-energy title tune. The cast will soon be shipping out for the Stephen Sondheim Theatre, where Anything Goes begins performances on March 10. Click through for a sneak peek at this highly anticipated revival.