Johnny Depp, known for a wide range of eccentric movies, from the Pirates of the Caribbean series to Sweeney Todd to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to Edward Scissorhands, has his eye on a new film role. The three-time Oscar nominee wants to play Broadway legend Carol Channing in a biopic of her life, according to The New York Daily News.
At first glance, the hunky Hollywood leading man does not seem right for the part of octogenarian Channing, a three-time Tony winner best known for starring in Hello, Dolly! But Depp insists he could do justice to the stage icon.
“My dream role would be to play musical legend Carol Channing," the actor said. "I love her, I really do. She's amazing." How would he manage to morph into the platinum blonde icon? "With all the digital technology available these days,” Depp explained, “I could probably pull it off!"
The actor can currently be seen on the big screen as notorious gangster John Dillinger in the recently released Public Enemies.