A dressing room is a home away from home for many Broadway actors—and that’s especially true for Mary Poppins star Laura Michelle Kelly, who is very far from her
Photo by Jenny Anderson for Broadway.com
“Carly [Hirschberg] is my dresser. She’s an amazing person—so encouraging and bubbly. She gets me my biscuits and my banana (I must have shortbread and a banana every single day!), and she dresses me. She’s a bundle of sunshine.”
“I have butterflies everywhere. These are the ones that Carly made for me. They remind me that every day is a new day, and every day you have an opportunity to be useful. I love them.”
"I write on Post-its for everything: from the latest bible verse that encourages me to things I should read or listen to. At the end of the week, I go through them all and take them off one by one—or keep them up if they’re really clever.”
"This is a picture of my favorite place in London: The Tower Bridge. Jim Hindman, who plays the Park Keeper gave it to me. When I am feeling homesick and miss my friends, it makes me feel happy.”
"My iPhone is a high priority item. I listen to a new playlist of fun songs every day as [hair supervisor Tod L. McKim] does my hair. I also listen to my ambiance app when I have a two-show day and need to take a power nap. There’s an app for everything!"