Josh Strickland has jumped from the title role in Tarzan to the real-life jungle of Las Vegas. The Broadway vet has been tapped for the cast of Playboy model Holly Madison’s new reality series Holly’s World. An initial episode aired on December 6 on the E! network, and now a regular schedule of eight half-hour episodes will premiere on June 13.
Strickland met Madison when they joined the cast of the topless burlesque Peepshow at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas. The new series charts how Madison (best known as Hugh Hefner’s #1 girlfriend in The Girls Next Door) sets up a new life in Sin City with the help of her best friend Laura, her assistant Angel and her new pal Josh. According to press materials, an early house-party episode “includes a tearful blow-out fight between Angel and Josh, a bad-behaving Laura, and a guest list of some of Vegas’ highest rollers, such as Too $hort, Robin Leach and Carrot Top.”
Here's an advance peek at a publicity shot featuring (from left) Laura Croft, Holly Madison, Angel Porrino and Josh Strickland, ready for action.