With the arrival of a talented new character named Blaine (Darren Criss), Glee fans are abuzz about the budding relationship between the "Teenage Dream" singer and McKinley High School's only openly gay student, Kurt (Chris Colfer). Broadway.com asked readers where they think the guys' relationship should head. Turns out our readers think Blaine and Kurt should leave the friend zone and become an item, with 53% of those voting saying the two guys should "totally" date.
Some viewers however were less enamored: In second place, with 19% of votes, was the option "Who cares? Bring on more Kristin Chenoweth as April Rhodes!" The current Promises, Promises star will return to the series as Mr. Schuester's old pal, a role that earned her an Emmy nomination, in the spring.
Other fans were happy to see a new romance burgeoning, but hope Blaine and Kurt will be cautious: 16% of readers believe they should "maybe" date, but warned the teens to "take it slow, guys."
Keep on watching Glee to see what the future holds for the duo, and come back to Broadway.com for our weekly Glee poll next Wednesday. Thanks for voting!