Casting is complete for the previously announced musical adaptation of The Nutty Professor. Based on the 1963 film of the same name, the musical stars newcomer Michael Andrew in the title role of Professor Julius Kelp and will be directed by the film’s original writer/director/star Jerry Lewis. Featuring music by Tony winner Marvin Hamlisch and a book and lyrics by Tony winner Rupert Holmes, The Nutty Professor will have a pre-Broadway world premiere run at Nashville’s Tennessee Performing Arts Center from July 24 through August 19.
Joining Andrew are Tony nominee Mark Jacoby (Showboat, Ragtime) and Marissa McGowan (Bonnie & Clyde, A Little Night Music) as well as Klea Blackhurst, Alex David, Meghan Glogower, Blair Goldberg, Autumn Guzzardi, Sarah Marie Jenkins, Allison Little, Charles MacEachern, Lindsay Moore, Ronnie Nelson, Patrick O'Neill, Dominique Plaisant, Jamie Ross, Carly Blake Sebouhian, Jason Sparks, Christopher Spaulding, Kristopher Thompson-Bolden, Kyle Vaughn and Ryan Worsing.
The story of The Nutty Professor follows Professor Julius Kelp (Andrew), a dull geek with a bright idea. Privately experimenting in his laboratory to find the cure for his social failures, he creates a potion that transforms him into a smooth-talking party animal named Buddy Love. Buddy is everything that Julius always dreamed of being and gets the girl that he always dreamed of dating, Stella (McGowan). The only problem is that the potion doesn’t last very long. The original 1963 film starred Lewis as Kelp, while a popular 1996 remake starred Eddie Murphy.
The production will include musical direction by Todd Ellison choreography by Joann M. Hunter, set design by David Gallo costume design by Ann Hould-Ward and dance arrangements by David Dabbon.