If you’ve ever wanted to see Broadway hottie Will Swenson sing a cover of Lil Jon's "Get Low" while wearing a leopard print speedo, you’re in luck. If you’ve ever wanted to see Broadway and Smash hunk Wesley Taylor sing a mash-up of Robyn's "Call Your Girlfriend", Blondie's "Call Me" and Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe," you’re even luckier! On August 5, these two (and more) joined the self-explanatorily named group The Skivvies (Broadway alum Lauren Molina and pal Nick Cearley) for a concert at Joe's Pub sans shirts. And pants. Broadway.com's Susan Blackwell also showed up to sing The Beatles' "Good Day Sunshine." If that’s not enough of a reason to watch, you can also expect some fab voices, stellar cello playing from Molina, and gorgeous harmonies on lyrics like “skeet skeet, mothaf**ka.” Take a look at the hilarious expletive-filled performance below!