John Lloyd Young took a night off from performing as Four Seasons frontman Frankie Valli in the blockbuster Broadway musical Jersey Boys to perform as...well...himself! The Tony winner kicked off his new solo concert at Café Carlyle on February 12, and he welcomed Jersey book writers Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice to the ritzy cabaret. Young, who returned the musical that made him a star last month, is having one heck of a week: He helped celebrate Jersey Boys' 3,000 performance on Broadway, he welcomed Andy Karl back to the show and he told all about his new gig, which he is performing under the musical direction of Tommy Faragher. After the show, Brickman and Elice stepped backstage to congratulate their first Frankie. Take a look at the trio (photographed by Tristan Fuge), and check out John Lloyd Young in concert at the Carlyle through February 23 and in Jersey Boys at the August Wilson Theatre!