Netflix has announced a new film adaptation of Mart Crowley's groundbreaking comic drama The Boys in the Band, with the complete cast of the 2018 Broadway production repeating their work on-screen. Ryan Murphy and David Stone will repeat their work as producers from the Broadway staging, along with Ned Martel, while Joe Mantello will return as director.
The star-packed cast includes Emmy nominee Matt Bomer as Donald, Emmy nominee Zachary Quinto as Harold, Emmy winner Jim Parsons as Michael, two-time Tony nominee Andrew Rannells as Larry, two-time Tony nominee Robin De Jesús as Emory, Brian Hutchison as Alan, Michael Benjamin Washington as Bernard, Tuc Watkins as Hank and Charlie Carver as Cowboy.
The Boys in the Band centers on a group of gay men who gather in an NYC apartment for a friend’s birthday party. After the drinks are poured and the music is turned up, the evening slowly exposes the fault lines beneath their friendships and the self-inflicted heartache that threatens their solidarity.
The play was first seen in 1968 at New York's Theater Four, which was followed by a 1970 motion picture version featuring the off-Broadway cast. The Broadway staging—billed as a 50th-anniversary production—played the Booth Theatre from May 31 through August 11, 2018.
Filming for the Netflix movie will begin in July.