The Worst Witch, a theatrical experience based on Jill Murphy's beloved children's book series, has scheduled a summertime engagement at the West End's Vaudeville Theatre. The production, which follows a successful U.K. tour, will run from July 24 through September 8.
"My first trip to the theater, aged four, opened up a magical world—so real to me that I had to be restrained from climbing onstage to help the children in peril!" said Murphy. "I still feel thrilled to bits when I go to the theater and The Worst Witch is a magical production."
Adapted by Emma Reeves, The Worst Witch follows an ordinary girl who finds herself in an extraordinary place: a school for witches. Accident-prone Mildred Hubble and her fellow pupils leave a trail of mayhem behind them as they find themselves at the center of a battle that's being fought for their future.
Theresa Heskins directs the production, featuring music by Luke Potter, choreography by Beverley Norris-Edmunds, design by Simon Daw, aerial direction by Vicki Amedume and illusions by John Bulleid.
Casting will be announced at a later date.