Two-time Tony-winning actor Christian Borle is among a talented group of authors participating in the launch of Marvel Spotlight, a collection of stage plays featuring characters from Marvel comic books. The first round of one-act plays, penned by Borle, Masi Asare and Karen Zacarías, are now available for retail purchase and licensing within the educational theater market.
Designed for the high school demographic and starring the iconic superheroes Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl and Thor, the plays explore universal challenges facing 21st-century young adults, including self-image, understanding vulnerability, adjusting to change, the importance of responsibility and being true to oneself.
Borle's play, Hammered: A Thor & Loki Play, finds a teenage Thor and Loki competing for the favor of their parents through Asgardian rites of passage. The other plays launching the series include Asare's Mirror of Most Value: A Ms. Marvel Play and Zacarías' Squirrel Girl Goes to College: A Squirrel Girl Play.
Marvel Spotlight was created in a partnership between Samuel French and Marvel Entertainment.
Get a first look at the cover of Borle's play below.