Jonathan Spector's Eureka Day, an ensemble comedy about a California private school's scramble to respond to a mumps outbreak, celebrated its Broadway opening on December 16 at Manhattan Theatre Club's Samuel J. Friedman Theatre. Directed by Tony Award winner Anna D. Shapiro, the cast features Chelsea Yakura-Kurtz, Tony nominee Amber Gray, two-time Tony nominee Jessica Hecht, Tony winner Bill Irwin and Emmy nominee Thomas Middleditch as the school's Executive Committee—a collection of parents and educators trying to make the right decisions for their children and their community.
"It's an unbelievably relevant, topical play," Yakura-Kurtz said to The Broadway Show. "At its heart, [it] helps us explore, 'How can you find a way forward together and continue to respect people when you have very different points of view?'"
Hear from the rest of the stars in the full video below.