Jewtopia, written by and starring Bryan Fogel and Sam Wolfson and directed by Andy Fickman Reefer Madness, is currently in the midst of a run at the Coast Playhouse in West Hollywood, where it will close on August 1. The comedy tells the story of two 29 year-old single men, Chris O'Connell Fogel and Adam Lipschitz Wolfson. Chris, a gentile, is obsessed with dating Jewish women because he believes they will make all his decisions for him. Adam, a Jew, is obsessed with dating gentile girls because they don't remind him of his mother. After meeting at a Jewish singles mixer, Chris hatches a plan--he promises that he will help Adam find the Jewish girl of his dreams and show him Jewtopia, but only if Adam promises to help Chris shed his gentile upbringing by teaching him the Jewish culture. In addition to Fogel and Wolfson, the Los Angeles mounting stars Cheryl David, Alan Charof, Lorry Goldman, Linda Shing, Jackie Tohn and Jenni Pulos.