The show centers on what happens when Pippi Orfeh, a stripper on the run, comes between the Dr. Phil-loving, agoraphobic Jeannie Kaitlin Hopkins and her tollbooth collector husband Shuler Hensley. The cast also includes Marya Grandy, Linda Hart, Leslie Kritzer and Wayne Wilcox.
The Great American Trailer Park Musical received mixed reviews when it opened on September 27. In his positive review, critic Kevin Manganaro wrote: "Something's glistening in the north Florida trailer park of Armadillo Acres, and for once it's neither the aluminum siding of the mobile homes, nor the sun reflectors that its residents use to keep permanently tan. It's a sparkling, sharp irreverence that lights up The Great American Trailer Park Musical and makes it one of the most laugh-out-loud shows in town."