Principal cast members have been announced for the U.K. production of Movin' Out. In addition to James Fox, the show will feature Holly Cruickshank as Brenda, Ron Todorowski as Eddie, David Gomez as Tony, Matthew Dibble as James and Laura Costa-Chaud as Judy.
Cruikshank, Todorowski, Gomez and Dibble are all currently featured in the U.S. tour of Movin' Out and all but Dibble also appeared in the show on Broadway. Costa-Chaud, who hails from Brazil, trained at the Vienna Staatsoper Ballet School, has performed with the Salzburg Landesthether Dance Company, the Centre Choregraphique National de Caen in France and the Balleto del Sud in Italy.
Movin' Out is scheduled to start performances at the West End's Apollo Victoria Theatre on March 28. The production will run there through July 17 before beginning a European tour.