Written by Bowen and Bell, [title of show] takes a unique and comical look at the artistic process as two struggling writers and two struggling actresses take on the seemingly impossible task of creating a new musical about creating a new musical. Now with Broadway as their destination, the quartet's saga continues anew as they face mounting pressures and deadlines, and are nearly thrown off-track by disagreements, day jobs and insecurities.
The musical [title of show] debuted in 2004 at the New York Musical Theatre Festival, followed by its off-Broadway debut in 2006 at the Vineyard Theatre. Bowen, Bell and Berresse won 2006 Obie Awards for their work on the show.
This Broadway transfer of [title of show] reunites the original off-Broadway creative team of Neil Patel set design, Chase Tyler costume design, Ken Billington and Jason Kantrowitz lighting design and ACME Sound Partners sound design. The musical is produced on Broadway by Kevin McCollum, Jeffrey Seller, Laura Camien, Roy Miller, Kris Stewart and The Vineyard Theatre.