2007 Broadway.com Audience Award Winners Party at Spotlight Live
To toast our readers' chosen favorites of the 2006-07 New York theater season, the editorial staff and management of Broadway.com hosted a party for the winners of the 8th annual Broadway.com Audience Awards at the swanky yet funky new Times Square restaurant and lounge Spotlight Live (1604 Broadway) in the late afternoon of May 31. With such winners as Talk Radio's Liev Schreiber, Radio Golf's Tonya Pinkins and Spring Awakening's triumphant trio—Jonathan Groff, Lea Michele and John Gallagher Jr.— plus the creators of In the Heights and the young kids from Les Miz swinging by the Spotlight Live in the hours before their respective stage managers called "half-hour!," it was a festive atmosphere as the celebrants chatted with each other, sipped sodas (they had performances that night, folks), stepped before our video cameras to thank the readers (keep an eye out for that upcoming feature) and accepted their trophies. Oh! And