At the end of President Bush’s last week in the Oval Office, the
Avenue Q gang convened at their home in the Golden Theatre on January 16 to announce new lyrics for the Tony-winning musical’s finale, “For Now.” Written a year or two after Dubya was elected, the tune reminds audiences that everything in life is temporary before namedropping "George W. Bush," an example,that rarely failed to bring down the house. But even great stage gags can't live forever, and with the Obama era on the horizon, the
Q team launched a contest late last month, asking fans to suggest a replacement. Out of two-thousand submissions, these were the top four: “Prop 8,” “recession,” “your mother-in-law” and “this show.” (Guess which one the cast likes the least.) The new lyrics are currently in rotation and being test driven onstage, so make your way to the Golden to