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Comedian-in-Chief Will Ferrell Says You're Welcome America!

If you thought the stars were out en masse for the Inauguration Ball last month… well, you’re right. But George W. Bush has plenty of, er, fans as well, as the big Broadway opening of Bush send-off You’re Welcome America. A Final Night with George W. Bush proved on February 5. The Cort Theatre was mobbed with big-name supporters, all braving the frigid New York winter to see the man of the hour, one Will Ferrell, make his Broadway debut, in character as the former prez. Ferrell, a screen veteran, didn’t disappoint the theatergoing set, who quickly turned the night into a bipartisan evening of fun and laughs at NYC nightclub Mansion. Republican? Democrat? Independent? Green Party? Doesn’t matter—a good time was had by all. Click here to welcome Will Ferrell (and his famous friends) to Broadwa
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