With its unique combination of romance, magic and political satire, Finian’s Rainbow tells the story of Irishman Finian McLonergan and his daughter Sharon. Finian sets out for the small town of Rainbow Valley in the mythical state of Missitucky with the hope that he will grow a fortune if he buries a stolen pot of gold near Fort Knox. The true owner of the pot of gold is Og, a leprechaun in hot pursuit of Finian. Og must recovering his fortune before the loss of it turns him permanently human. Meanwhile, a crooked and bigoted senator gets the surprise of his life when Sharon accidentally turns him black by making a wish near the magic crock of gold. Add a delicious love story between Sharon and local hunk Woody Mahoney as well as another love story between Woody's mute sister Susan the Silent and the comical Og, and you have a rainbow of happy endings for the lovable characters in this charming show.