Gob Squad's Kitchen Show Poster

Gob Squad's Kitchen Critics’ Reviews

It's 1965 and everything is just about to happen. The German/British collective Gob Squad invites you to take the hand of the King of Pop himself, Andy Warhol, and take a trip back to the underground cinemas of New York City, back to where it all began. Gob Squad's Kitchen reconstructs Warhol's films in the quest to illuminate the past for a new generation, reflecting on the nature of authenticity, the here and now, and the hidden depths beneath the shiny surfaces of modern life.

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About Gob Squad's Kitchen

What Is the Story of Gob Squad’s Kitchen?
Gob Squad’s Kitchen doesn’t have a story so much as a concept, which is no surprise given that the show is an on-stage, tongue-in-cheek homage to the films of Andy Warhol. Specifically, the group is recreating the famously story-less films Kitchen, Sleep, and the legendary Screen Tests. Over the course of the evening, the actors attempt to recreate these films live on stage. Well, kind of. A lot of time is spent talking about how they’re going to recreate the films and what things were like when Warhol was making his own films. The phrase “It is 1965” is used a lot. This version of Kitchen brings the boundary-testing spirit of The Factory to life on stage, filtered through the cheeky sensibility of devised theater group Gob Squad.

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