Leap of Faith Show Poster

Leap of Faith Critics’ Reviews

Get ready to fall under the spell of Jonas Nightingale. With his troupe of singers, he’s journeyed far and wide, rattling the rafters, conning the crowds and trading miracles for money. And tonight’s a special night: He’s sharing the story of his very own redemption. Don’t miss his roof-raising tale about the time he came face to face with a strong-willed woman and a spirited boy who put his grift–and his own faith–to the test.

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About Leap of Faith

What Is the Story of Leap of Faith?
Leap of Faith centers upon full-time con artist and part-time reverend Jonas Nightingale as his traveling ministry breaks down in a small Kansas town. Jonas, an electrifying performer and rabble-rouser, quickly pitches a tent and invites the locals to a revival where he’ll perform miracles…for a price. Before he can take the whole town for a ride and empty their pockets, he’ll have to get past town sheriff Marla Humes. The single mother is determined to stop the hustler in his tracks before he can separate the townspeople from their money, but a real miracle is in the offing: Marla just might give Jonas something to believe in.


critics reviews Critics’ Reviews (3)
A collection of our favorite reviews from professional news sources.

"Raul Esparza is the guy you want in your show when your leading character is having a crisis of faith. There is a delicious cynicism to all Esparza does here, whether it's taking care of his partner in crime, his little sister or wooing the wounded-but-beautiful town sheriff."

The Chicago Tribune

Chris Jones

The Wall Street Journal

"If you're looking for pure Broadway razzmatazz, 'Leap of Faith' delivers the goods. Robin Wagner's set turns the interior of the St. James Theatre into a revival tent, and Christopher Ashley and Sergio Trujillo, the director and choreographer, put every square inch of it to effective use. The chorus rocks and rolls."

The Wall Street Journal

Terry Teachout

The Washington Post

"Raul Esparza throws himself into the role, finding the vulnerability and self-doubt in his sleazy character even as he prowls the ramps and slithers on his back to sell his lies. Phillips is a cool drink of water in her tight jeans and cowboy boots. She has a beautiful voice and the vocal skills of Lewis-Evans, Odom and Brown are also heavenly."

The Washington Post

Associated Press

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