Set in 1931, Pith! is an epic tale of travel and adventure told with the most economical means. An itinerant sailor leads a grieving society widow and her stoic housekeeper on an exhilarating and treacherous journey into the heart of the South American jungle... without ever leaving the living room. With only four dining room chairs and a phonograph, Jack Vail propels Virginia Tilford and Nancy Kimble from Providence, Rhode Island to New Orleans, Panama, and Ecuador, where hilarious encounters with a succession of explorers, shysters, gigolos, natives, and all manner of tropical wildlife have life-altering consequences for the ladies. It's an innovative, hilarious, and ultimately moving tribute to the power of imagination.
This limited-run Off-Broadway engagement, prior to appearances in Toronto and Ottawa, follows hard on the success of Pith! at the 2004 NY International Fringe Festival where it won the Fringe/NY Award for Excellence in Playwrighting.