Soul Doctor tells the story of beloved yet controversial father of popular Jewish music, rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, and his friendship with Nina Simone. Beginning with his childhood escape from Nazi Germany, the show follows Carlebach's surprising journey as he becomes a rabbinical prodigy in America, discovers gospel and soul music through his friendship with Simone, and has a meteoric rise as a “Rock Star Rabbi.” In the '60s he performed with the likes of Bob Dylan, Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful Dead. However stardom had a price, and Carlebach had to make peace with his family, faith and personal demons.
What Is the Story of Soul Doctor?
Soul Doctor tells the powerful story of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, who transformed the face of Judaism with his music and progressive approach to spreading the word. The story follows Carlebach from his childhood in Nazi-occupied Vienna to his education in a traditional Orthodox yeshiva to finding his own voice and founding a youth-oriented temple in San Francisco, the House of Love and Prayer. Along the way, Carlebach finds inspiration from nightclub singer Nina Simone and becomes a top-selling recording artist.