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Starlight Express Tickets

A musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber in which male actors play different kinds of train engines competing with each other to see who is best. The female actors are passenger cars. Greaseball, the Diesel champ, is challenged by Electra (an electric powered train) and several others. Pearl, a fickle passenger car, will hook up with almost anyone who is fast, thus breaking poor Rusty's axle. The stage is a maze of ramps and tracks. The actors wear skates. Some featured songs: "Rolling Stock," "Call Me Rusty," "A Lotta Locomotion," "He'll Whistle at Me," "Freight," "AC/DC," "Pumping Iron," "Crazy," "Make Up My Heart," "Poppa's Blues," "Laughing Stock," "Starlight Express," "The Rap" and "U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D."

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About Starlight Express on Broadway

Opening: Oct 30, 2003
Musicals Kid-Friendly Dance Comedy Drama Award Winning Mature Audiences New

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A musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber in which male actors play different kinds of train engines competing with each other to see who is best. The female actors are passenger cars. Greaseball, the Diesel champ, is challenged by Electra (an electric powered train) and several others. Pearl, a fickle passenger car, will hook up with almost anyone who is fast, thus breaking poor Rusty's axle. The stage is a maze of ramps and tracks. The actors wear skates. Some featured songs: "Rolling Stock," "Call Me Rusty," "A Lotta Locomotion," "He'll Whistle at Me," "Freight," "AC/DC," "Pumping Iron," "Crazy," "Make Up My Heart," "Poppa's Blues," "Laughing Stock," "Starlight Express," "The Rap" and "U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D."
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