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The Singing Forest Tickets

The Riemans are your typical American family: They haven’t spoken to each other in decades. Severed by deeply buried secrets from the Holocaust, they are desperate to stay out of contact with each other. Their story travels from today's world of Starbucks, celebrity and therapy to Freud's inner circle in Vienna and to Paris at the end of World War II.

This show is closed.

Performances ended on May. 17, 2009.

News & Features

About The Singing Forest on Broadway

Previews: Apr 10, 2009 • Opening: Apr 28, 2009 • Closing: May 17, 2009
Plays Drama

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The Riemans are your typical American family: They haven’t spoken to each other in decades. Severed by deeply buried secrets from the Holocaust, they are desperate to stay out of contact with each other. Their story travels from today's world of Starbucks, celebrity and therapy to Freud's inner circle in Vienna and to Paris at the end of World War II.
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